For questions regarding:
- village sewer system,
- brush pickup,
- snow removal, etc...
Please leave a message for Steve @ 608-586-4100 or email: [email protected]. You can also leave a message for him with the village clerk.

2023 Village of Oxford Garbage and Recycling Calendar
Village of Oxford 2022 Service Calendar - Wednesday PDF
2022 Recycling - WI - Village Oxford
Click here to view Village map: Village Map 2019 - Village of Oxford
Marquette County WIS 82 and WIS 23 Improvement Project:
For information about the WIS 82 and WIS 23 improvement project, and to sign up for updates, please visit the project website:
STOP! You may be damaging your sewer lateral or violating Village Ordinance
Please read the attached for guidelines of what not to do regarding your sewer lateral and the Municipal Sanitary Sewer System. Click here: NON FLUSHABLE ITEMS NOTICE~OXFORD pdf
Snow Removal Procedures - Click here: Snow Plowing Procedure
Sanding and salting of the roadways is contracted with Marquette County Highway Department on an on-call basis. Sanding and salting is done on a priority basis with County Roads and State Highways taking priority. The Village is attended to as soon as possible.
Please remove vehicles from roadways. Snow is plowed from streets first and then alleys. Plowing generally begins when snow accumulation ceases. In the event of excessive snow, plowing may occur multiple times throughout the snow event. Snow hauling of piles will usually occur the following day.
Brush Pickup
The Village will start chipping brush curbside the last week of each month April through October.
Pieces must be:
- NO greater than 10' in length and 4" in diameter
- stacked neatly
- butt end toward the street
- must be curbside
NO small pile of twigs and debris will be picked up.
CMOM (Capacity, Management, Operations, & Maintenance) Program. Click here: CMOM~Village of Oxford, Marquette Co. WI, July 31, 2016 PDF
Village of Oxford Sewer Ordinance: Sewer Ordinance~Village of Oxford